Senin, 03 Juni 2013

Bio-Economic Natural can help the Corporates to avoid many risks on Momentum in Time Series Fluctuation in Ecnomic and Business in Prosperity or Recession Period By: Edmond F. La'lang (economic and natural environment observer)

By : Edmond F. Lalang (Economic and Environtment Observer)

- Utilization of Bio-Economic Natural in every aspect of life, included Economic and Business Life Cycle

           Bio-Economic Natural can help the Corporates to avoid many risks on Momentum in Time Series Fluctuation in Ecnomic and Business in Prosperity or Recession Period to match on their Strategic Management Policy and Action Plan in Shorterm, Midterm and Longterm Vision. Bio-Economic Natural can be utilized in relation to the various predictions of the likelihood of the risk of changes in economic growth, interest rate loan, the rate of inflation, fluctuations in prices of raw materials and auxiliary materials, changes in consumer tastes, the level of competition, shrinking market share, the emergence of new competitors and new products and many other factors that could affect the company's business growth. Various external factors this variable will affect the viability (survival), the profit rate, the amount of cash flow, interest repayments and mortgage companies credit, competitiveness, and others. Here we use the Risk Management and another Bio Natural to find out the crisis with the "Preventive Ways" and "Early Warning System" of movement up and down (wave fluctuations) that if more stringent and harder as an expert volcanologist can tell when the eruption a volcano or a physician can determine the condition of the patient's heart rate chart or climatologists can predict when it will rain with high winds or storms.

- Bio-Economic Natural Focusing on Preventive Ways with Early warning System

           Bio-Economic Natural, focused on preventive security "without the cost of risk" than just problem solving (Problem Solving) is a cost, and the victim time to recover (recovery). Georges Soros with the Reflection method "6 Months Running in Front of the Curve" can first find out the occurrence of a crisis or turmoil and turbulencies.  Nor able to predict a variety of business opportunities to be captured and utilized optimally before being competitors of your company. Natural bio-economy can provide assistance to industry, particularly manufacturing to be able to plan, organize, matching, synergize and synchronize a number of financial planning, - production and marketing in a time frame (timing) in order to achieve implementation of the principles of efficiency, effectiveness and value-added larger and can avoid the various risks that are not desired by the company (preventive ways). This method can perform a variety of forecast with accuracy, and when supported by a 3-dimensional computerized system, it will be more accurate, precise and reliable. So the company can perform a variety of short-term, midterm and longterm planning in the execution or decision-making when , what and how things like :

         Preventive Ways to avoid any risk in the market and business fluctuations in every stage of economic and business life cycle. Bio-Economic Natural will always perform a system of economic planning business is prevention ways that would establish an early warning system to avoid and prevent the occurrence of various problems and risks that could affect the growth rate, profitability, toughness and stability rate, competitiveness and business survival in an increasingly global competition is free, hard and cruel. With bio-economic natural, then we can set the pace and rhythm of the business like a great orchestra with a conductor to produce a symphony of beautiful music and quality with the survival and competitiveness of the great and powerful. So the company can go ahead even if it means facing obstacles, challenges and economic turmoil in the course of space and time to move forward and can grow well in both normal and crisis conditions. Thus the company will be able to survive for tens or even hundreds of years in peace and harmony with the business environment, human (social) and the natural environment.

- Some Corporate Strategic Management to anticipated and prevent on various risks  can be done in Good Business Policy

1. When and how to do the expansion, turn around, hold business, stay outside or even divestation; to matching with consideration on their market share growth, their organic corporate growth, hike of the fluctuation price products, new product launching, the other opportunities of various market, level of competition, how to solve and face the new government regulation, inflation rate, interest rate, the other macro economic indicators and so on .

2. When exactly to take a rational comparison of business credit and safely capital structure with the amount of credit against the credit risk ;

3. When to buy raw materials and auxiliary materials and the rhythm of ups and downs of the production batch number of the match with a cycle of ups and downs of product sales;

4. How can you really know the graph changes in consumer tastes and the expiration of a new product by product, advances technology and changes in consumer tastes by changes in the system, performance and technology ; 

5. When the sunset of a type of industry, anticipation on the possibility of a decreased level of a country's economic growth and global ;

6. What are the constraints, challenges and risks according to the rhythm of fluctuations in market for anticipated ;

7. How to deal with the level of competition and the entry of new competitors with different types of new products are better quality and competitive price ;

8. How likely magnitude of losses, the amount and type of foreign currency loans, the currency type and placement of deposits from the sale and retained earnings, the level of loan repayments and interest ;

9. How does the level of utilization of funds for mass production level, the efficient utilization of raw materials, inventory, channel distribution, the amount of funds in marketing and sales strategies, remuneration ;

10. How can you know the cycle of economic and business up and down to match with your strategic planning to face the global and local competition and avoid many risks and problems of economic downturn ;
11. How you can switch your depositors in stocks, forex and commodities to follow the cycle up and down to get much more gain and also at once to avoid the market and business risks ;

12. Often many companies and individuals with confidence and passion take on debt to commercial banking and investment banking to the position that has been profitable shares in the stock market, bonds, debentures and other various financial derivatives and commodity prices to benefit many times with assumption that the stock market, money market and commodity markets will continue to skyrocket until a few years into the future. But unfortunately, it did not happen, so that in times of turmoil, crisis and the economic recession, where the value of the stock price. bonds, debt, derivatives and commodities down quickly or free fall that led to the company or individual will bear huge losses and even become insolvent or bankrupt

13. Utilize the amount of money circulating with excessively enermous leveraging magnitude in the world of banking and finance, where the book value, the stock price and the value of future net and from every country, even with just based on GDP and GNP values ​​calculated mathematically to produce an excellent rating and prospective. But this ranking is obvious for medium and long term, because of the constraints fluctuations are often very dynamic and even volatile, so it will produce severe systemic effects in the aggregate to weaken economic conditions and economic sector of micro and macro economics in a country with economic conditions foamy (bubble economy) with a flood of hot money in the financial markets are often speculative. And if the warming in the real sector economy with high inflation indication (overheating economy), by flooding the money supply due to low cost funds in the banking of monetary easing (ease money policy) by the Central Bank which is often pushed by the higher levels of consumerism, where the demand is often greater than the supply of goods and services, even though the price continues to rise ;

14. and many other things to do an economic analysis of Econobusiness Biocycle Dynamic that are natural based on variety natural constraints.

Footnote :

         Fluctuations in short-term (daily and weekly) will occur naturally influenced by state of mentality, passion, taste, motivation of global mass psychology to take trading positions in a market that is crowded and often chaotic. If there is data or news that very fundamental economic conditions, business and politics, fluctuations in stock price movements will occur dynamically and both meteoric and volatile free fall in excess of the daily forecast. But in the medium and long-term investment will be influenced dynamically by biocycle and biorhytmic of legal and natural forces are always moving up and down dynamically. So you not only have to Globalization with Globalnet (internet system) but also now should have a vision in a way Galaxization with Galaxinet even the World Universes * * (Astronomical).

         Where we can know the strains and the condition of the Universe Kingdom in the short term (10 years), medium term of 50 years and long term 100-200 years), which will also be evident in a "Certainty of Life rather than Uncertainty Life " who always complained of many parties, including the leaders of the state policy makers, leaders of business policy (industrialists and traders) as well as experts in various fields of life. The power and influence of Natural, Galaxy and Universes Law (Universe Kingdom / Source One in Central Sun Universe) this will always affect every aspect of our lives on this planet, either consciously or unconsciously to anticipate properly.

Let see Monthly and Weekly Forecast 
on  Forex, World Indexes and 
Commodities Market

Managing Your Funds with High Return Low Risk

Contact :
Edmond F. La'lang
Email  :
Telp.    :  +62031-3538606
HP         :  +62081-553080521
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Facebook : Edmond F. La'lang

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Bio Risk Management : How can the Country and Corporate Strategic Planning that able to prevent or avoid many risks in Economy and Business

By : Edmond F. La’lang (economic and natural environment observer)

             Bio Risk Management is means to know that how can the Country and Corporate to make a real good Strategic Planning that able to prevent or avoid many risks in Economy and Business the Credit Risk, Market Risk, Business Risk and another Risks on Competition, Turbulencies, Crisis and Recession

- Perspectives on Biological and Psychological Ways to get the Real Good Strategic 
        Let me add to give another way of some new suggestion on perspectives to used of the biological and psychological ways of thinking about the case of debt of a company. Life is a game with a lot of risks in addition to benefits and advantages that can be gained from the ability, achievement, creativity, innovation and business management professionals better. Risk will always be an open market is a market in which more and more competitors, the bigger share of the market, more and more consumers to choose the product of a company and the various regulations made by the government in which the company operates. And of course the dynamics of natural law will always cause fluctuations in turmoil even to be prevented before they occur with the Early Warning System, with a swift soon to anticipate the problems and market risk and business risk.

          Supposedly the composition of corporate debt to its capital structure to keep it safe from the risks of macroeconomic volatility, fluctuations in the stock market index, foreign exchange rate, commodity market fluctuations (and complement raw materials for manufacturing and mining corporations), changes in the prime interest rate and the commercial rate to cost of funds, inflation rate (CPI and PPI), profitability, prospective business enterprise, the ability to compete and a variety of product excellence, marketing mix strategy, service, cost of manufacturing and administration and so on. Fatal error at most companies (banks, manufacturing and services) is to assume that the price level of the stock and assets and also commodity prices from a mining company can be a collateral to obtain a bank loan that has multiple leveraging is the very real risk of a variety of market risks in the form of economic turbulencies, crisis and recession. Capital structure that makes sense and being cautious is the capital of 60-80% and accounts payable around 20-40%. If the ratio of debt to capital increase, the risk of default also will be bigger and should not be played with a variety of financial mathematical simulations.

- Mathematical Methods Fatality Risk on Free Natural Free Risk and Business Economic Conditions

Often, the state andthe company did over-leveraging way to reduce risk only with mathematical and statistical calculations of Risk Free Rate with actually adds to the burdens of the real risk for the country and the company. Moreover, with a variety of acrobatic financial engineering by means digging holes vent cap, debt refinancing, debt rollover, swap debt to equity ratio, promissory debt, obligations coupon and other financial action. For it should state economist and companies need to analyze the ability of indebted themselves to be rational in order to give a good and powerfull leveraging effect in a way that gives the debt burden of risk naturally from various external threats and economic risk on their state and companies business. It required an carefull analysis of economic calculation with holistic (interdicipline sciences) business ways. And the various natural influences in the form multivariant calculations with non linier regression (like hiperbolic model) such as 2 or 3 dimensional calculations by incorporating a variety of Biological and Psichological indicators, the natural cycle, the level of taste and desire of consumers (market driven and market driving). And also the level compettion that is fierce in the national and global market share as well as the threat of the new products and new competitors in order to form a strategic plan for the state and company that will be reliable, sensible, ratonal and beware of the existence of an "Free Natural Risk" to be used optimally.

- Country and Corporate Risks that maybe fall in Bad Loans and Debt Trap

         Companies that take a lot of debt with a smaller capital structure will experience a greater risk of default, despite having supported by a variety of sophisticated financial mathematics and risk management on various Financial Ratios according to the rules Basel I to Basel III. The risk in this case is the inability to pay the debt, because the interest rate risk of debt, particularly of a commercial character in the form of a floating interest rate. Problems currently faced by the U.S. and European countries as well as various financial and manufacturing companies are leveraging the use of exaggeration to be bubble stock price and the value of its assets without taking into account the potential risk of economic turmoil that will occur in the future, only simulations using mathematical and statistical calculations alone. Many economic crisis since the Great Depression has killed millions of companies to experience huge losses and even bankruptcy both in banking, manufacturing, services and other financial services should experience a variety of internal and external risks, due to ignorance of the natural dynamics of the process that will always occur in a system of living organisms, either individually or range of human creation in the course of business of the company's life cycle.
        Likewise experienced by developed countries, the United States and Europe, as well as less precise in managing debt for development, always will be save with Bailout (dependents and state debt rather than the company that has been in default in investment activity that is not carefully tended even greedy to reap huge profits without self-control) to thousands corporate of  banking, manufacturing, property and insurance back to health in the context of "Too big to Fail" context by means of a bailout, stimulus and quantitative easing on the truth of the Neoliberal Capitalism way of thinking is not effective and efficient even it will add to the debt burden of the country itself . This is different from how the country is nearly bankrupt Iceland but it can quickly get out of the debt crisis and economic recession, for not wearing a neoliberal economic thinking, but a way to allow the operation of a way of thinking "Austrian Economic System" on private companies to fend for themselves and account for risk as a result from their own mistakes, or natural selection to survive without the help and always pampered by the government while the real sector of small and medium just often ignore her fate in a policy of economic injustice which always helps companies magnitude alone. So of course this ease the budget burden Icelandic government to immediately help companies that are still strong enough without having to provide the facilities that indulge companies that have abused their own businesses and debt without providing help for a bailout, the stimulus and QE policy by printing new money on top of economic weakness and small and medium suffering people.

       So that, maybe there is another approach is needed should really know how to process these risks occurring and will come to affect the business , investment and trading activities and the state of your company at that time . Where humans can not always know and be aware of exactly what will actually happen in the future as a result of linear thinking and human greed to continue rich , want to get ahead , expansive , creative compete hard and excessively without control and without knowing much less constraints and the ability to self The Natural Limits of the Law of Nature itself. Those, there is a byword emergence of Uncertainty in the various activities of Economics and Business. Come visit many of my blog to know and may be useful for strategic planning business for 1-25 years. Or as George Soros said he walked 6 months ahead of the curve where he really knows what will happen in the financial markets and the real sector much earlier to take preventive action that is both the position and should be selling out of the market sector to avoid losses and often reap huge profits while many other investors sweating, confusion, panic and big losses.

Footnote :

         Fluctuations in short-term (daily and weekly) will occur naturally influenced by state of mentality, passion, taste, motivation of global mass psychology to take trading positions in a market that is crowded and often chaotic. If there is data or news that very fundamental economic conditions, business and politics, fluctuations in stock price movements will occur dynamically and both meteoric and volatile free fall in excess of the daily forecast. But in the medium and long-term investment will be influenced dynamically by biocycle and biorhytmic of legal and natural forces are always moving up and down dynamically. So you not only have to Globalization with Globalnet (internet system) but also now should have a vision in a way Galaxization with Galaxinet even the Whole Universes * * (Astronomical).

         Where we can know the strains and the condition of the Universe Kingdom in the short term (10 years), medium term of 50 years and long term 100-200 years), which will also be evident in a "Certainty of Life rather than Uncertainty Life " who always complained of many parties, including the leaders of the state policy makers, leaders of business policy (industrialists and traders) as well as experts in various fields of life. The power and influence of Natural, Galaxy and Universes Law (Universe Kingdom /Source One in Central Sun Universe) this will always affect every aspect of our lives on this planet, either consciously or unconsciously to anticipate properly.

Let see Monthly and Weekly Forecast 
on  Forex, World Indexes and 
Commodities Market

Managing Your Funds with High Return Low Risk

Contact :
Edmond F. La'lang
Email  :
Telp.    :  +62031-3538606
HP         :  +62081-553080521
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Facebook : Edmond F. La'lang

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